ASB » Associated Student Body (ASB)

Associated Student Body (ASB)

EHS Student Body Activities

The EHS Associated Student Body (ASB) plans many activities throughout each school year. Student participation and involvement is an exciting part of each of these events, which makes each student's time spent at EHS a very memorable experience. The staff at EHS encourages all students to GET INVOLVED!! Listed below are events, which occur each year and an explanation of each. These are not the only events; ASB is always planning new and fun activities.

Club Rush - This is a lunch activity where all Cougar clubs create booths to encourage new members to join. The booths are decorated for competition with the other clubs. This is a fantastic display of diverse cultures and interests. All students are encouraged to begin their year by getting involved with one or more of our exciting and active clubs.

Homecoming - Homecoming is an exciting event in which all EHS alumni are welcomed back. The Homecoming dance occurs the following night. This dance is a semi-formal or formal event for students. Guests must be at least ninth graders and must not be 21 years of age or older and must show picture I.D. at the door. Guests must submit a guest pass to the Principal’s Office at least three days prior to the dance and any guest that does not attend an accredited high school must meet with the Principal or his/her designee. All interviews must take place at least three days prior to the event.

Class Competitions - Class competitions are held throughout each school year to promote school spirit among students. Representatives are selected from each class to compete in these fun-filled events during pep rallies and spirit week.

Pep Assemblies - Pep Assemblies are held throughout the school year to display school spirit. The cheerleaders and band members get the crowd involved with cheers and class yells. ASB usually performs skits, class competitions are held, and athletic team members are introduced. Pep rallies are also held during post season CIF competition.

International Week - EHS’ spectacular weeklong display of multi-cultural talent makes up this wonderful week. Ballet Folkloric, Latino keyboardist, African American Step Dancers, Native American Bird Singers and Dancers, a beautiful International Fashion Show, and finally . . . an international food fest where clubs host booths that portray the unique cultures of countries around the world.  This is truly something for all Cougars to look forward to.

Prom - Prom is another formal dance but is for Senior and Junior students and their dates. Prince and Princesses are chosen and the dance is held off-campus. Men wear tuxedos and women wear formal dresses. This dance is sponsored by the Junior class each year and is held as the last dance of the year. A photographer takes pictures. Guests up to 21 years of age must be pre-approved by a school administrator no later than three days prior to the event. Guests must show picture I.D. at the door. Guests must be at least in ninth grade to participate.

Grad Night - Senior parents sponsor Grad night. Each year the Senior class gets together after graduation and enjoys an evening of fun. Each grad night has a theme and is an all-night celebration at an agreed upon location (Disneyland, Six Flags, or other theme park).  This event is for graduating seniors only.


Student Government

House of Representatives (H.O.R.)

This is the largest body of selected and elected students to meet regularly with the elected ASB Student Council each month. Every 1st Wednesday of each month, the representatives from all 4th period classes will meet to discuss and learn about past and upcoming events. The duty of the representative is to report back to their class.


  • The Associated Student Body shall elect, by plurality vote, a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer towards the end of the second semester. *

Class Officers

  • Each class will elect, by plurality vote, a president and vice president. The class officer elections are conducted after the elections of the ASB. The Freshman class officers will be elected within their first fall semester.
  • See Mrs. Weiner for a list of your student body representatives.


Court Elections

  • Homecoming and prom court nominations are conducted through classes.


Associated Student Body Executive Officers and Their Duties


  • To oversee everything that occurs within the jurisdiction of the ASB.
  • To act as a liaison between the student body and the administration.


Vice President

  • To assume all duties of the ASB President if he/she is unable to perform his/her duties.
  • To organize and run the monthly House of Representative meetings.
  • To prepare for and run all school-wide elections.



  • To record the minutes of all meetings and to keep a permanent record of them.
  • To type, copy, and distribute all letters.



  • To approve all disbursing orders and make sure that all ASB accounts are balanced.
  • To work with the cashier to determine how much revenue is made on ASB events.


Associated Student Body Class Officers and Their Duties

  • To act as representatives of their class in all ASB activities.
  • To follow the guidelines and responsibilities given by the ASB officers.
  • To attend scheduled meetings.
  • To coordinate class floats and other activities associated with their class.
  • To recruit members of their class to participate in the class.
  • Junior class officers are responsible for coordinating the Junior/Senior prom.